video production process

No matter the size, topic or problem your video is tackling, our process ensures our goals are aligned and you have a video you're proud of at the end. 

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the planning phase

Pre Production

what to expect:

Together, we develop a video plan which will narrow in on your project’s key messages and objectives and how we will achieve them. KE Media will define the technical audio & visual requirements needed to achieve the desired outcome inline with your target audience and tone of voice.

  • Goals and objectives
  • Target audience
  • Core message
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the action phase


what to expect:

This is when ideas go from concept to reality. Together we will coordinate the locations and cast involved, making sure to align them with the overarching story and business goals. We take care of all the technical aspects to deliver a professional quality video you can be proud to share.

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the editing phase

Post Production

what to expect:

This is where all of the footage is edited together using our story and structure outlined in the pre-production stage. Some aspects may change from the pre-production plan as the filming process usually uncovers new angles and key information that can help serve the narrative. The end result is a polished first cut of the video project.

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the perfecting phase


what to expect:

We value your feedback— this is the critical stage where we collaborate with your team and make changes to fine-tune the final product. The revision process consists of multiple rounds of review which can vary from story structure and pace to more specific and technical elements such as text, colour and audio. In the end, you’ll have a polished and presentable final cut of the video for your audience, delivered on time and aligned with your core message and objectives.

We understand the importance of maintaining 100% transparency for this critical phase of the project. This is why we always take time to ensure our clients understand that they will have the opportunity to request changes and that every video project includes 2 rounds of revisions. Extra revision rounds are always available if needed at an additional cost depending on the scope of work.


Questions you might have

What does full video production process involve?
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A full video production process starts with a consultation before moving through 4 key phases. We start with the pre-production phase where we plan filming logistics and write out a video treatment with scripts and shot lists before moving into the production phase. This is where we film your project. We then move into the Post-production phase where everything is put together in editing. And finally, the revision phase is where we fine-tune the video based on your feedback.

How much does a video cost?
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We price every video project individually depending on its own set of requirements and complexity. The most common factors that determine pricing are the length of the video, number of days required for filming, copyright costs for music and images, and addition of 2D motion graphics. During your free consultation, I will try to learn as much as I can about your project so that we can provide an accurate quote.

How long does it take to complete a video project?
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Turnaround times can vary depending on the script and if it's during the busy season. Once we determine the scope we can set a deadline that works best for you.

Can you shoot outside Vancouver?
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Yes, we can arrange to shoot almost anywhere in Canada depending on scheduling.

Got a project in mind?